Bibliographic references in notes should be written in straight/roman type (without italicised titles) and in Polish (hence: ‘wyd.’ instead of ‘ed.’, or ‘hg.’). Texts written in other than Latin alphabetic scripts should be left in their original (no transliteration).
Titles of journals are not enclosed in inverted commas.
We use Polish terms: tenże, taż, tamże (not: idem, eadem or ibidem).
We do not use a fixed system of abbreviations. If necessary, the author may introduce abbreviations for more frequently cited items, at the first occurrence giving their full description, e.g: Kodeks dyplomatyczny Małopolski, ed. by F. Piekosiński, t. I–IV, Kraków 1876–1905 (hereafter cited: KDM).
Please do not space author's names (this will be done as part of the editorial process).